Friday, 4 July 2014

Louis training progress

Louis is now five months old and is doing awesome. He is a really confident, clever and playful puppy and he is showing great potential. He's a real happy-go-lucky pup and has been very easy so far; the only 'issues' we've had is him taking a while to get the hang of the fact that the house is a non-pee zone, which we're making progress with but he's still having accidents now and then. Overall he is good out and about, and doesn't seem to be scared of anything (our previous foster pup, Bramble, had a fear of the butchers, Lou is the total opposite and LOVES them lol). Last month Louis went away for the weekend to stay with a AADI home boarder, this was so he got used to being in a different environment - he did fine other than annoying their other dog (but Louis is a typical labrador puppy and wants to play all day and can't understand when more sensible dogs get fed up of him pestering them to play!) He did start trying to food steal of the kitchen counters a few times but I immediately made sure it didn't become a habit and we've been doing lots of 'leave it', and impulse control training, which Louis picked up on very quickly and so far he hasn't tried to food steal since (yay!).

Here are a few photos of him from recently :)

And a video:

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